quarta-feira, 4 de julho de 2018


Referências bibliográficas sobre darwinismo e affairs humanos

Baumard N & Boyer P (2013b) Religious beliefs as reflective elaborations on intuitions: A modified dual-process model Current Directions in Psychological Science, 22, 295-300.

Boyer, P. (2003). Religious thought and behavior as by-products of brain function. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 7, 119-124.

Gintis, H., van Schaik, C., & Boehm, C. (2018). Zoon politikon: The evolutionary origins of human socio-political systems. Behavioural processes, pii: S0376-6357(17)30369-8. doi: 10.1016/j.beproc.2018.01.007

Mobbs, D., Lau, H. W., Jones, O. D. & Frith, C. (2007). Law, responsibility, and the brain. PLOS Biology, 5, e103, 10.1371/journal.pbio.0050103

Salmon, C. (2008). The world’s oldes profession. Evolutionary insights into prostitution. In J. D. Duntley and T. D. Shackelford (eds.) Evolutionary forensic psychology. Darwinian foundations of crime and law (pp. 121-134). New York: Oxford University Press.

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